CV Tips

Start with your name, full address and contact details

These are your main contact details so we can reach you, so they should feature prominently at the top of page 1 of your CV.

Introduce yourself

This is where you should summarise and highlight what you can offer us. Draw attention to your career highlights and your accomplishments. These can be tailored to fit the job role you are applying for.


Use brief bullet points to list the skills and experiences you have that are specific and relevant to the role you are applying for

Top tip: wherever possible, use the same adjectives as those used in the job advertisement

Work Experience

This section should be about your work history. Start with your current/most recent position and work backwards.

Ensure the correct start and end dates are there for each entry.

Include paid work, volunteering and work experience

Explain any gaps between jobs – e.g. education, caring for family or travelling etc.

Education and training

List your education from most recent, ensuring the correct start and end dates are there for each entry.

List any relevant qualifications and training you have too.

Hobbies and interests

This is where you can highlight your personality in any hobbies or interests you have outside of work.

This is an optional section but gives us a picture of you as a person.

Reference details

It is fine to say that your references are available upon request if you are not comfortable disclosing your referees until further into the recruitment process.

It’s important to make sure you have them readily available and contactable when requested.

Final tip

Don’t forget your spelling and grammar. Ensure you check your CV thoroughly for any spelling and grammar errors. Perhaps even consider having a friend of family member check it over for you as well.