Interview Top Tips

Dress to impress. This shows that you're genuinely enthusiastic about the opportunity and want to make a great impression.

Jot down our address so you can find us easily and have the store number handy should you need further help. If it's a remote interview, make sure the programme works and you have sound and visual.

Arrive on time or five minutes early and remember who to ask for when you arrive.

Good preperation is the key to success and helps calm your nerves.

Always be clear and concise with your answers.

Know why you want to work for us and a little about our business.

Prepare a few questions. This is a two-way process so feel free to ask about anything you would like to know.

Remember, we're just normal people and we've all been on your side of the interview process. We want you feeling at ease.

If you have any questions before your interview, contact either the store or email

Relax, take a deep breath and just be yourself.